Women at evosoft
At evosoft, we believe that solving the engineering challenges of today and tomorrow, and creating innovations require broad, diverse thinking. Both men and women play equally important roles in this process.
We need female engineers too!
In Hungary, trends are improving, but the proportion of women choosing technical, engineering, scientific or IT careers still remains very low. At evosoft, we consider equal opportunities for women in the labour market to be crucial.
We support the professional development of our female employees with various self-initiated programmes. We help them find a balance between work and private life, and also promote the advancement of our female colleagues on the professional ladder.
Women in IT
In our program launched in 2018, female employees of evosoft form a supportive and cohesive community. With the help of a professional coach, they work on topics that assist them in their daily lives.
Are you curious? Read more about our community.
Inspiring female role models at evosoft
At evosoft, we are proud to showcase the career paths, experiences and professional achievements of our female colleagues. We believe that these experiences and successes can be valuable and inspiring examples not only for our colleagues but also for the outside world.
We are proud to have nominated nearly 10 of our female colleagues for the IVSZ (Hungarian Association of Digital Companies)"Inspiring Senior Leader" award. Among them, our Head of Department, Tünde Balogh, was honoured with the "Inspiring Senior Leader" award by the organization.
It is great to be a part of the evosoft community.

Women in engineering
In our podcast series, we asked our female colleagues who chose the engineering profession what inspired them to build a career in this field. During the conversations, they honestly discuss the advantages and challenges of the engineering and technical career.
Women engineers: they did it, and why wouldn't they?
In the first podcast, Bíborka Kaszás, an electrical engineer from Miskolc University and Veronika Láz, a computer engineer from Óbuda University discussed about their personal experiences.
Engineering careers through women's eyes
In the second episode, Éva Kovaliczky (Embedded & Runtime), an electrical engineer who graduated from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and Zsófia Róth (IT), a corporate informatics student at the University of Dunaújváros talk their impressions.
Career orientation events for young people
We consider it important to show the opportunities in engineering and technical careers to students before they choose their further education, both boys and girls.
We regularly participate in career orientation events, have joined the national initiative program "Girls' Day," and are present at the Researchers' Night with our own event at three locations.

Female leaders at evosoft
At evosoft, we continuously monitor the proportion of female professional and organizational leaders. We are pleased that we have female employees at all organizational and professional levels. We support the professional development of women with training and provide opportunities for them to participate in leadership succession programmes. Without adhering to specific quotas, we believe that talented colleagues can advance professionally and organizationally at evosoft regardless of gender.
Gender Pay Gap. At evosoft, we have been monitoring the average salaries of women and men in the same positions for several years, consciously ensuring that the principle of "equal pay for equal work" is applied between the two genders. And yes, this principle is fulfilled. 😉
As part of our Talent Program, we held a roundtable discussion where the female members of evosoft's Executive Management shared their personal experiences on how they were able to build their careers as women and mothers.
Maternity community, family-friendly workplace
The Most Innovative Family-Friendly Solution of the Year went to evosoft
At evosoft, the birth of a colleague's child is a joyful event for the company as well. We strive to support colleagues in their new roles as mothers and fathers.
We live our value of caring by providing 100% salary for the full 10 days of paternity leave, exceeding legal requirements.
Our colleagues on maternity and childcare leave remain an integral part of evosoft's life. We maintain active contact with them: we build a maternity community, invite them to our leisure programmes and professional events, even online, and keep them informed about major organizational changes at evosoft.
We provide our colleagues on maternity and childcare leave with the same health insurance benefits. As part of the evoBalance program, we also provide mental health support with the assistance of a professional psychologist.
We strive to facilitate the integration of those going on and returning from maternity leave by streamlining our processes.
Returning from maternity leave
Questions from female employees also regularly arise in internal forums. A great example of this is the presentation ‘Hey, I don't want to interfere but...’ by Zita Timár-Sneider.
Kids in the office
Our ‘Kids in the Office’ event was initiated by the evosoft Parent Community working group.