3 choices, 3 careers
Meet some of our people
My hobby is my profession. Be the next, who did it.
Azár Vámos
Technical Sub Team Leader
Azár started at evosoft as a young man, and he has received serious professional duties and responsibilities in a few years. He was the colleague who was made responsible for designing the thousand-square metre lab areas in the new HQ in one person.
Why did you dedicate yourself to electrical engineering as a career path?
It was clear from my childhood that I would become an engineer. Everyone graduated in technical sciences in our family, so it was self-apparent that I would select this field as well. The only question left was which direction to take. My father drew a lot as a mechanical engineer. It was not my line that much, so I looked for another specialization, and electrical engineering seemed to interest me the most.
What do you like best in your profession?
Everything. When I was a little kid, my dad didn’t have to tell tales about Winnie-the-Pooh. I was much more curious about how the ABS works or how the battery stores the charging in the car. I have always had a technical mind. If I must highlight one thing, the most exciting for me is in this vocation that I can be an IT specialist and electrical engineer at the same time. I had to write codes and program PLCs, or parameter drives.
Why have you chosen evosoft?
I worked as a teaching assistant in one of the departments where I dealt with developing various medical technology tools. I started my professional career at a small company, but my high hopes failed. I searched for companies working with electrical drives or power instead; the drive technology test engineer position at evosoft came along this way. They took me on, and I began working for evosoft in May 2015.
On what topics and in what positions do you work at the moment? With what responsibilities does the role come?
Our team examines the relationship between PLCS and frequency converters. We test the synchronized movement of more axes or clutch based on the given function with SIMOTION tools and the novel S7-1500 technological PLCs. We use SINAMICS S120 and S210 frequency converters as well.
I support the project leader in professionally coordinating a team of 24 as a sub-project leader and deputy project leader. I also do people management, prepare the takeover of new topics and coordinate them in my team of 6; furthermore, I am in charge of customer relations. In connection with the SIMACSI (a virtual commissioning software), I liase with Siemens partners and evosoft testers to coordinate the collaboration. I am partly responsible for the product’s testing strategy and its product release. We can say that they need my approval to place a product on the market and pass it on to the end-users.
Gábor Kapros
Quality Coach, IT consultant
Gábor has covered several roles at our medical technology software development department in the past two decades. He has spent half of his life at evosoft, which is not at all evident in the IT labour market. Now he shares with us what makes him stay with us, at evosoft.
Why IT?
Earlier I hesitated a lot if I should choose a profession in humanities or technologies. Engineering has always been considered as a classical vocation with good job prestige. I was a straight-A student, so I went studying electrical engineering. It was a difficult major to be admitted at in those days. However, I could not hide my interest in humanities besides the technological mindset, as it was less apparent what a programmer can bring out from such minors. By now, it has been clear that we need the science of management that has gone through significant advancement just as much as the field of IT itself.
What makes a leader a good leader?
Among other aspects, the development showed that in the long run, a good leader is not the one who can program better – although it is undoubtedly a benefit if they can understand programmers. A good leader is well-read in soft skills and self-discovery literature, had gained a lot of practice in both areas, and also made several professional/leadership mistakes that inspired him for even deeper self-discovery and learn. A technological mindset provides an excellent professional foundation. Though, if you wish to see the broader perspectives and would love to try your wings in other areas as well, you might have a good chance that you suit other positions or leadership roles within IT with an engineering profession, too. Here I do not only consider the organizational leadership roles. A person with a more mature, complex personality and sufficient self-knowledge can be a successful architect or product owner. An engineering-information technologist can take the classical route and work as a software developer until they resign but can also choose to continue their career in organizational leadership or as a technological expert in a field. It rarely happens the other way round: those who graduated as economists seldom become programmers.
Péter Varga
Project Responsible
Peter is the true embodiment of ownership: he takes on every task with unmatched enthusiasm and does everything to execute what he was proposed to do. He loves flexibility, challenges and development opportunities and is open to novelties, professional and leadership promotions. He has found all that in one place, at evosoft.
In what current position do you work? What are your duties?
I partly work as a project manager, partly as a so-called Development Lead: 9 agile teams report to me; we have an agile team working on TIA Portal developments. I support the teams with considering all aspects of productionand collaborating as efficiently as possible in the latter role. It is a little similar to the scrum master’s role in focusing on people, but the technological part is emphasized here.
How did evosoft come into the picture for you?
I loved that the company organized a 6-week prep ’camp’ for us, where we received intensive professional, language development and soft skills training courses as entrants. They employed us based on our performance there. I was one of the fortunate ones. I began as a test automation developer in 2014. I became the product owner of my team and the project manager 2 years later. We experienced a more significant organizational transformation: we merged more teams and projects into one bigger common field; I accepted the emerging promotion. I received the roles of project manager and Development Lead of the complete topic in the autumn of 2019.
What do you like best about your IT profession?
Mainly that they offer us the chance to create values. Even though I don’t deal with practical product development, but rather support operations. IT is such a creative profession where ideas, concepts are given special attention, and you need the know-how in different depths in the diverse roles it offers. As a Development Lead, I can focus on the details of a given subject with a relatively greater degree of freedom, while I need to overview the processes in general as a product owner. I love the diverse content and responsibility levels.
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