UX training is taking off
As the demand for UX education grows in the market, we are expanding the introduction of UX education to more universities, including one of our key partners in technical higher education, BME (Budapest University of Technology and Economics).
We believe it is crucial to align university education with the most current and relevant professional subjects. By doing so, we not only enhance our company’s reputation and visibility, but also attract talented engineering candidates for our open positions and establish ourselves as an opinion leader in the field.
In May, the head of evosoft's UX team, consisting of nearly 20 people, delivered a lecture on UX to BME students. Our goal is to provide professional support for the development of young individuals and to contribute to the broader professional community with experience gained within evo.
Today, user-centred design is part of many university courses. We consider our role in UX education to be significant, as it helps applicants gain better understanding of what they are applying for and, finally, contributing to corporate UX maturity. We can also gauge the impact of our C# and C++ Academy workshops by measuring the feedback we receive. The feedback has been positive, and many participants have recognized the relevance of the topic in their day-to-day work.
Our aim is to integrate user-centred design and development into our daily work and to involve our users in the development process. Therefore, those who join us and have already already experienced the benefits of this approach at university will naturally find it easier to contribute to product development. During our lectures and workshops, we often share insights that are still in the experimental stage within the evosoft /Siemens world. However, it is evident that the future is heading in that direction.
What we teach varies slightly from one university to another. At Kandó, the emphasis of the presentation was on human-machine interaction. Given that we were addressing electrical engineers, we also briefly discussed service design.
We are also in discussions with the University of Szeged. In recent years, we have been guest speakers on UX in the agile course. For instance, we highlighted the challenges/pitfalls of agile product development without incorporating a design approach.
At the BME, we were involved in the Smart Lab, Intelligent Interactions course at The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (VIK), specifically in the UX Theory and Practice course. We are currently engaged in discussions regarding potential future collaborative projects and ongoing cooperation.
During the presentation, we were pleasantly surprised by the active involvement of students at each of the universities.