A brand-new university cooperation agreement with Óbuda University
Our goal is to strengthen the ties between education and industry, supporting the practice-oriented training of students through organizing collaborative educational programs, establishing professional practice areas and creating research workshops.
A significant milestone in this process is the ceremonial signing of the agreement with Óbuda University Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering on October 27, 2023.
Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai (the Dean of Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, Óbuda University) and István Petényi (CEO of evosoft)
The two signatory persons, István Petényi, CEO of evosoft, and Prof. Dr. Zoltán Rajnai, the Dean of Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering, confirmed in their speeches that mutually fruitful cooperation for both parties began with the signing of the agreement. István Petényi emphasized that evosoft's involvement in university education and strategic partnerships is outstanding, with special attention to Óbuda University. Moreover, the industrial chair agreement signed last year with the ÓU Neumann János Faculty of Informatics and Kandó Kálmán Faculty of Electrical Engineering highlights the significance of our entrance into higher education through this faculty collaboration.
After the signing ceremony, a friendly and informal discussion took place between the parties. They discussed student circles, university life, and a several programs that could be included in evosoft's software development portfolio. Through this collaboration, the practice-oriented training of the students, the introduction of innovative solutions, modern technology and tools to a wider audience can be strengthened.
Our company was represented at the ceremony by the following colleagues:
István Petényi (signatory, CEO evosoft Hungary)
György Sándorfalvi (Head of System Test & Engineering)
Levente Pirigyi (Development Manager)
Ádám Szigeti (University Relations Manager)
Katalin Herczeg (University Relations and Communication Coordinator)
Listen our podcast about “The role of industrial chairs”. Levente Kovács, the Rector of Óbuda University, and István Petényi, our CEO, discussed the related topics in our podcast.
This was the moment, when evosoft has become an external industrial chair: evosoft and Óbuda University have signed an agreement on the launch of two industrial departments simultaneously.
Pictures, snapshot from the table inauguration event of the industrial departments in the evosoft Univerzum HQ.
Are you curious about evosoft’s university relations? More details here.