Reflecting on a Successful Post .NET Conf Local event
On February 5th, we successfully organized the Post .NET Conf Local event Budapest event for the second time. This community-driven gathering occurred alongside the main .NET Conf conference.
This year, we celebrated the release of .NET 8 with outstanding presentations covering various .NET topics. Here is the list of presenters and presentations:
Gábor Ruzsinszki: .NET Conf keynote speech
Alexandra Apró: ASP.NET Core Blazor - authentication and authorization
Gábor Ruzsinszki: What’s new in .NET 8
András Tóth: NET MAUI - Mobile application development with .NET technology
Benedek Papp: Distributed systems in C#
Dr. Szabolcs Jánosi: From doctor to developer - anything is possible
Each presentation captivated the audience with its insightful content and dynamic delivery.
The presentations by Alexandra and András were highly valued by attendees for their practical insights and firsthand experiences. Their willingness to delve into real-world scenarios and offer tangible impressions resonated deeply with the audience, making their sessions particularly beneficial.
Personally, I found Benedek's exploration of distributed systems particularly intriguing. His deep dive into the theory of distributed systems and the actor model left a lasting impression on me. The same can be said about Szabolcs's closing presentation, where he shared his inspiring career journey, undoubtedly leaving everyone feeling motivated and empowered.
To end the event on a high note, we arranged a Kahoot quiz, injecting an element of fun and interactivity into the proceedings. Participants eagerly tested their knowledge, showcasing expertise and competitive spirit. The quiz served as a fitting finale, fostering fellowship and leaving everyone with fond memories to cherish.
We look forward to building upon the success of this year’s event.