We keep the wheels of industry rolling
The Siemens products we co-develop are used in industrial environment, mainly in automated factories. Our colleagues work on developments related to automated manufacturing systems at two of our sites, Budapest and Szeged.
Automation & HMI
“My main goal is to ensure that the colleagues working for the department cherish their individual roles and appreciate our projects, that our customers are satisfied with our activities, delivering a great deal of innovation in the products and projects we develop.”
Would you like to contribute to this goal? We welcome your application for our open positions:
TIA Portal
Electric cars are being made in the Volkswagen plant in Brazil.
TIA Portal is
the key pillar of our digitalization product portfolio
The TIA Portal makes automation engineering tasks efficient, from design through commissioning to system monitoring. This software is the Visual Studio for industrial automation, with the help of it we create connection between humans and production (HMI -Human Machine Interface) and model the entire production control including the communication between the components.
Where do you meet the portal? The TIA Portal is considered essential for the efficient planning of production lines in the pharmaceutical industry. This is particularly important today when tens of thousands of lives could depend on the rapid launch of a new vaccine’s production.
We control the process in the automotive industry, from the first screw being made until the finished car rolls off the production line. Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Maserati, Tesla, Volvo – a few examples who entrust their critical production tasks to the best!
We predominantly use C#, .NET, Windows; furthermore, big data and cloud (Azure) technologies in the implementation.
SINUMERIK ONE: the new generation integrates the digital and physical reality
Precision manufacturing
from the iPhone
to the turbine hinge
Our software solutions are the answer if a customer requires machining tolerance measured in microns, excellent surface quality or handling of synchronous and parallel movements.
Where do you meet the technology? Milling the metal casing of a Macbook and controlling the production of room-sized propellers are possible with components from the SINUMERIK product family. Another typical application area is the automotive industry, where complex engine parts are produced using precision metalworking technologies. We predominantly implement these software solutions using C++, C#, Windows, Linux and cloud-based technologies at our Budapest site.
SIMOTION related projects
SIMOTION hardware and software
SIMOTION is best
at handling
of synchronous and parallel movements
SIMOTION SCOUT is best suited to efficiently coordinate the complex movements of rolling mills, printing presses and packaging machines. It combines motion control tasks, PLC tasks, technology functions, and drive configuration in a single system while covering the full process from project management and programming to configuration and parameterization as well as testing and commissioning. SCOUT makes all phases of engineering much more efficient and helps you fully exploit the capabilities of SIMOTION with SCOUT TIA in the Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal).
Where do you meet the technology? Printing of books and newspapers, packaging of goods, textile manufacturing, metal forming and loading/unloading of cargo ships with cranes are possible with components from the SIMOTION product family.
We use C++, MFC, COM, C#, Java, Angular technologies for the implementation and do C# based testing at our Szeged site.
Food & Beverage related projects
Production line in the Asbach-Bäumenheim production unit of the market-leading dairy company, Zott
The revolution of process automation
Nowadays, the need for individual mass production is also increasingly present in process management areas, for instance, in the rapidly changing needs of pharmaceutical companies, special chemical plants or food & beverage lines like beer production. Beyond following the exact recipes, we aim to implement such modular production lines (in the process automation field) that allow end-users to switch quickly from one product type to another, even in small quantities. This approach is called “Plug & Produce”.
Where do you see these solutions? Today hardly anywhere, as this is the bleeding edge of innovating process automation. Very shortly, pharmaceutical companies, chemical plants and food & beverage producers will become our customers and the first users of the new approach.
We implement these disruptive concepts using C#, C++, C, JavaScript and automation technologies.
What do we do when we are not developing industrial automation software?
The colleagues of our department can live out their creativity and professional curiosity beyond the day-to-day work in a much less constrained environment than the projects. You can get support to implement your ideas in evosoft’s innovation program (Innovation Center @ evosoft - ICE); tinker with the HW elements you need in TinkerLAB, including 3D printing as well. In the spirit of our Care value, we also work with universities to train new generations of engineers.
Curious about an evoCareer?
If we have aroused your interest in working for us, browse our open positions and apply.