CSR at evosoft
Responsible business conduct and value creation in the IT sector for sustainable development.
Future generation of engineers
There is an exceptional demand for well-trained engineers in the labour market. Still, not enough people would choose this career path. We feel that we can do something to stop this tendency at evosoft, and we are also responsible for educating the future engineer generations. It is why we decided to drive evosoft’s CSR activity into popularizing engineering as a career and helping job orientation in collaboration with three domestic organizations.
We collaborate with the Hungarian Association of IT Companies (IVSZ), the Association of Hungarian Women in Science (NaTE) and Together for the Future’s Engineers Alliance (EJMSZ). As part of our joint efforts, we participated in the Digital Week national initiative when we promoted opportunities in the engineering profession for primary and secondary school students, or at an event named ”Girls’ Day”, where young ladies before career orientation familiarized themselves with our company and our projects.
As part of our CSR activity, we renewed children health care institutes in the capital and the town of Szeged earlier: with the participation of 110 colleagues, we did a garden makeover for Pál Heim Children’s Hospital; furthermore, our co-workers renovated 8 bedrooms and transformed the inner garden of the institute, Children Health Care Centre and the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Environmental care
evosoft is committed to environmentally responsible solutions. Everything we do affects our environment, our future and the lives of generations to come. Together with our employees, we think about how to live environmentally consciously in our everyday lives. We try to involve as wide a range of colleagues as possible, who have different problems and needs, and we develop projects with these in mind, taking as many aspects into account as possible.
We also use our internal communication channels to raise awareness of the importance of environmental awareness among our colleagues from time to time. Even the longest journey begins with a single step. The first step can be yours or ours. Let’s move forward together towards a common goal of creating a liveable environment around us through responsible, eco-conscious production and sustainable solutions. Let’s Go Green, evosoft!
In the spirit of spreading green awareness, in autumn 2021 we organized a presentation with the world-famous invisible wildlife photographer, Bence Máté. At the same time, we opened The Enchanting Hungary nature photograph exhibition from Hungary’s national parks at our headquarters in Budapest, showcasing the flora and fauna of the country and raising awareness of the importance of protecting wildlife.
The evolunteers team was formed by a group of enthusiastic colleagues who want to do something for the community and others.
They are the people who help us get our CSR initiatives up and running. We have started collections on several occasions and in several forms: pre-Christmas gift collections, and evosoft has also donated personal hygiene products, food, clothes and computers.
We advertise volunteering programmes, such as the sandwich factory or volunteering at the Hungarian Interchurch Aid as well. Furthermore, we regularly participate in housing renovation projects under the name evoBuild, in partnership with Habitat for Humanity.
evolunteers is open to all evosofters: anyone can join as a permanent coordinating member, and we welcome new project ideas. We want to help those in need as a community on a voluntary basis.
Christmas donation gift collection
We have organized several Christmas donation gift collections in recent years. Each year, we support a different orphanage or family transition place. In general, between 70 and 100 people in need receive this donation.
Other fundraising activities
We have held various fundraisers for several non-profit organizations or raised awareness of an organization's initiative. As an IT company, we have also launched several collections for laptop or computer donations, and our colleagues have also supported animal shelters. After the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, we also started targeted collections to help Ukrainian refugees, whether in the form of donations of clothes, toiletries, bedding or food.
From 2021, evosoft's talent programme will partner with Habitat for Humanity working for decent housing. Each year our colleagues participate in a joint programme of housing renovations for a minimum of 1 week: they volunteer for tasks like plaster boarding, smoothing and painting in homes Habitat is renovating.
Watch a short video with English subtitles and a podcast in Hungarian telling you the details of the project on evosoft blog.
Pro Bono programmes
We offer our expertise and carry out development work in non-profit organizations through these programmes. Non-profit organizations were invited to apply and we worked with them to develop a website or clean up their database several times in cooperation with the ÖKA (National Volunteer Centre Foundation).
Sustainable Solutions
We also aim to be environmentally conscious in transport. We’ve voted to reduce air pollution and urban noise and replaced our pool car fleet with new hybrid cars. Our colleagues have been using these green plate Seat Leon plugin hybrids, powered by a fast electric charger in the underground car park of our office building.
If you're interested in Seat Leon plugin hybrids in more depth, we recommend you to check Zsolt Tamás' video report. We offered the car to Zsolt Tamás for testing, but we did not influence the content in any way. The video solely reflects the opinion of the author.
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